What are the causes of baby gas?

ColicCalm, NZ

The Causes of Infant, Newborn and Baby Gas

Gas is a natural by-product of digesting the nutrients in breast milk or formula and the digestive system normally expels it without any discomfort whatsoever. However, since gas is buoyant it creates pressure in the opposite direction of gastric flow. When gas becomes trapped in the intestines it causes a painful pressure build-up. 
What Are the Causes of Baby Wind?
  • Incorrect Feeding Technique

A poor latch onto the breast or bottle results in too much air being swallowed at meal times.

  • Immature Digestion

The human digestive system is so complex that it has its own nervous system, the enteric nervous system, which controls the transportation of gut contents in a wave-like motion called peristalsis. A newborn’s gut is continuing to develop after he or she is born. The gut may still be learning to process food, gas, and stool effectively. Gas may also be present due to immaturity in the gut’s microflora, carbohydrate metabolism, and hormonal regulation. Gas may also be a symptom of constipation.

  • Too Much Lactose

Breastmilk is often thought of as containing foremilk and hindmilk. The foremilk, which comes first, contains more sugars, and lactose, while the following hindmilk is richer in fat. Some experts believe that too much foremilk may result in relative lactose overload. This may contribute to gas or fussiness in babies. Many lactation experts recommend attempting to empty each breast before moving on to the next.

Some mothers may have an over-supply of breastmilk, a condition known as hyperlactation syndrome. In this situation, milk letdown is often fast or forceful, causing babies to gag or be fussy with feedings. Please contact your doctor or lactation consultant if you are interested in learning more about milk over-supply or breastmilk composition.

  • Introduction of New Foods

New foods can make a baby gassy as his gut learns to process them. An excess of high-sugar foods, like juices, can also cause a baby to have looser stools or gas.

  • Microbial Imbalance

Our digestions are aided by literally trillions of beneficial bacteria (probiotics) that collaborate with our bodies' digestive enzymes to efficiently break down food and nutrients. Emerging evidence suggests that some healthy bacteria, like L.Reuteri or P.pentosaceus, may play a role in reducing gas and perhaps even crying and fussiness. L.Reuteri is the most common probiotic strain but research has shown that different strains treat different symptoms. CalmCo Probiotic has five key strains that are specific to helping with intestinal issues.  Yoghurts are also a great source of probiotics. Several studies have shown that the introduction of oral probiotics or probiotic foods can help gassy babies if administered over a period of several weeks. Interestingly, breastfed babies do have a slightly lower incidence of colic, gas, and reflux and this could be due to the existence of probiotics in breast milk.

  • Crying

Crying can cause your baby to swallow air, especially if he cries in hunger for a long period before a meal. Since crying is both a symptom and a cause of gas it can create a self-reinforcing cycle that worsens the problem.

  • Food Sensitivities and Allergies

Breastmilk contains traces of foods from the mother’s diet. Some babies may be sensitive to these traces of foods according to La Leche League. One study by researchers at the University of Minnesota found a link between maternal diet and colic symptoms. Maternal intake of cow’s milk, onions, cruciferous vegetables (e.g. cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower), and chocolate intake were associated with more colicky symptoms in babies. However, in most cases, there is no reason for a mother to restrict her diet, especially from healthy foods. If you suspect a food sensitivity or intolerance, try keeping a food journal to track symptoms like gas, spit-up, or fussiness. If you feel that your baby would benefit from dietary restrictions, talk with your doctor. In a formula-fed infant, a trial of a hypo-allergenic formula may help if a baby is reacting to the cow’s milk protein.

  • Overfeeding

Overfeeding can cause problems if a baby’s tummy can’t cope with too much food at once. “Feeding too fast may produce lactose overload and increased intestinal gas from the breakdown of excessive lactose,” says Bill Sears M.D., a renowned paediatrician, professor of paediatrics at the University of Irvine, and author of The Baby Book.

  • Transient Lactase Deficiency (TLD)

A temporary inability to produce a sufficient quantity of the enzyme “lactase”, essential for the digestion of “lactose” is a proposed explanation for some cases of colic or infant gassiness but the link is unproven. In general, babies are not lactose intolerant, and lactose intolerance does not develop until around age 2 if it is going to develop at all. In fact, the lactose in breastmilk is credited for the enhanced absorption of minerals and the production of healthy gut flora.

All babies have wind, some babies simply have more than others. Furthermore, some babies have an easier time passing wind, which may stem from a learned or innate ability. While a certain amount of windiness is completely normal, it may be causing your baby discomfort if you notice tell-tale symptoms such as; abdominal bloating, hard distended belly, frequent burping, spit-ups, hiccups, flatulence, and excessive fussiness or restlessness.

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... I love this product, it works straightaway ...
"As a new mum I was reluctant to give my son anything that wasn’t natural. My midwife recommended colic calm for the benefits of relieving gas for his wind. I tried the colic calm and it really helped. It was 100% what I was after. I love this product, it works straightaway and he likes the taste. It’s the only advice I give my friends! "

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-- Rochelle D. (Queenstown, NZ)

... I would recommend any mother to use Colic Calm ...
"Since my wee boy Ryan has been taking this I have noticed huge changes in him. He’s calmer and more settled. Its been great. I have also been taking him to a Cranial Osteopathy which has been brilliant they are both working together. I would recommend any mother to use Colic Calm, a completely different child."

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-- Karen C. (Auckland, NZ)

... WOW ...
"I got it yesterday afternoon and WOW. Are you sure Colic Calm is OK as it has had amazing results just over one evening. My wee man slept so well last night and woke up with a big grin this morning! Thank you so much for making the effort to bring this stuff to NZ. I will be ordering more and recommending your site :) Thanks again"

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-- Donna S. (Wellington, NZ)

...Thanks for making all our lives easier...
"We had tried every piece of advice to help with our baby's colic and every product available to no avail until we tried colic calm. We immediately saw an improvement and our little girl was so much happier. Thanks for making all our lives easier. I want to let others know that this product really works when they are searching for an answer."

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-- Sarah A. (Hikuai, NZ)

... Instant Success! ...
"Colic Calm worked a treat for my newborn daughter. I didn’t want to use anything but a natural remedy for wind and none of the other products on the market worked. Colic Calm gave my daughter instant relief and she no longer suffers from digestive problems. This is a great product which is worth its weight in gold!"

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-- Lauri T. (Huntly, NZ)

... I highly recommend this product ...
"After the hardest sleepless nights with my wee girl and her digestive issues in the first few months of her life, I found that out of all the homeopathic remedies I tried, Colic Calm was the only product that seemed to help. I highly recommend this product and will certainly be using this in the future when the need arises. Thank you"

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-- Janet S. (Nelson, NZ)

... What a fantastic product ...
"What a fantastic product. Our little girl suffers from colic and we tried couple of other products before Colic Calm but they weren’t really helping. She is a lot calmer and happier since she started taking Colic Calm. Thank you for bring the product to NZ."

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-- Claire H. (Auckland, NZ)

... simply the best thing...
"Colic calm is simply the best thing. My son suffered from colic so severely, he would scream after every feed and pull his legs up to his chest. We tried everything on the market and was about to give up, until a lady suggested Colic Calm. Within a day of giving Colic Calm to him we saw huge results. Thank you this product is truly amazing. "

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-- Ursula N. (Porirua, NZ)

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